2018 Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Welcome by Rev. Ed Soto Prelude: “Jesus, Jesus Rest Your Head” Arranged by Roger Wilson, Played by Dot Hogan Call to Worship, Rev. Ed and Congregation Lighting of Advent Candles by Jeff, Samantha, Eann and Ivey Janiak First Carol: Hymn “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” First Lesson: Matthew 1:18-25, Read by John Erb Prayer of Confession by Congregation Assurance of Pardon Passing the Peace of Christ Second Carol: Hymn “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence” Second Lesson: Luke 1:26-38, Read by Keegan deBernard Profession of Faith, Apostles’ Creed (Traditional) Third Lesson: Luke 1:39-56, Read by Martha Moore Third Carol: “The Annunciation and The Magnificat” by M. Haugen, Sung by Stephanie Moehlenkamp, Accompanied by Dot Hogan Fourth Lesson: Luke 2:1-7, Read by Kelly deBernard Fourth Carol: Hymn ”Away in a Manger” Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer Fifth Lesson: Luke 2:8-21, Read by Ron Coleman Fifth Carol: “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” Sixth Lesson: Matthew 2:1-12, Read by Cynthia Erb Sixth Carol: Choral Anthem: “How Quietly” by Joel Raney, Directed by Stephanie Moehlenkamp, Accompanied by Dot Hogan, Soloists: Kelly and Keegan de Bernard Seventh Lesson: John 1:1-5, 9-14, 16-17, Read by Linda Janiak Seventh Carol: “Silent Night & Go, Tell It on the Mountain” Sung by Congregation, Accompanied Dot Hogan Service of the Lord’s Day: Christmas Cantata Christmas cantata: “Let There Be Christmas” Arranged by Joseph M. Martin Christmas Overture and Processional; The Advent Rose; The Divine Expectation; Concertato on “O Little Town of Bethlehem”; Carols from a Quiet Manger; Arise! (Hodie Christus Natus Est); Bleak Midwinter’s Gift; Let There Be Christmas; A Joyful Gathering of Carols Choir director: Stephanie Moehlenkamp Narrator: Samantha Maddox Janiak Soloists: Ron Coleman, Keegan deBernard, Cynthia Erb Disk jockey: Jackson Moehlenkamp Sopranos: Keegan deBernard, Cynthia Erb, Linda Janiak Altos: Barbie Andrews, Kelly deBernard, Carolyn Lees, Micelle Martin, Dana Taylor Tenors: Ron Coleman, Dennis Janiak, Mark Younkin Basses: Jeff Janiak, Sang-il Lee
Service of the Lord’s Day with Rev. Ed Soto Sermon Title: “Genealogy, Not Genetics” Scripture: Matthew1: selected verses; Luke 3: selected verses. Choral Anthem: “Prophets Knew” Words by J. Paul Williams, Music by Lloyd Larson O come, O come, Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel! Prophets knew long ago that Christ would come to earth. Led by Isaiah they foretold His birth. God in human frame, Emmanuel His name. Prophets knew long ago, long ago…this child would be the King! Glory to God! Let heaven and nature sing. God in human frame, Messiah was His name…Micah prophesied that Christ would be born in Royal David’s town; Redeemer of Israel, promised to all, a King without a crown! Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel! Prophets knew long ago that in a manger stall angels and shepherds would find the Lord of all! God in human frame, Jesus was His name…
Hanging of the Greens Service Offertory: “Waiting for a King” Words by J. Paul Williams, Music by Joseph M . Martin Waiting for a King; when will he come? Waiting for a King; God’s holy One. Will the world be ready? Is His advent near? Waiting for a King; when will he appear?...God’s only Son. Will the world receive Him? Will He stand alone? Waiting for a King to come and take His throne in the fullness of time the Prince of Peace will come, the promised Messiah, God’s chosen One. For those who are righteous, hope will be restored. Their eyes will be opened,… they will know the Lord. Waiting for a King, ruling in might…to shine in our night. Will the world be ready when He comes to stay?... will this be the day?
December 2024