Service of the Lord's Day with Rev. Ed Soto. Sermon Title: "Called to be Holy" Scripture: Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19; 1 Peter 1:13-23. Choral anthem: “The prayer with lead us, Lord.” Carole Sager and David Foster. Arranged by Tom Fettke We pray You’ll be our eyes, and watch us where we go, and teach us to be wise in times when we don’t know. Let this be our prayer where we lose our way. Lead us to a place, guide us with Your grace to a place where we’ll be safe. We pray we’ll find Your light, and hold it in our hearts and hold it in our hearts as darkness falls each night. Remind us where You are. Let this be our prayer when shadows fill our day. Lead us to a place, guide us with Your grace. Give us faith so we’ll be safe. Lead us, Lord. Lead us in Your righteousness; make Your way plain for us to see. Let this be our prayer, just like every child needs to find a place, guide us with Your grace. Give us faith so we’ll be safe.
Service of the Lord's Day with Rev. Ed Soto Sermon Title: Born Again to a Living Hope" Scripture: Psalm 16:1-11; 1 Peter 1:3-9. Choral anthem: “I put my hope in You” Words and Music by Cindy Berry Hope for tomorrow, strength for today, these are the blessings I receive from You. Mercy after mercy, grace after grace, until the day I finally see Your face. My hope, my hope is in You, whatever lies ahead, You will carry me through. Holy, righteous King, You’re the song I sing. Every day, Your mercies are new. Now I stand, forgiven and free. I am Yours through eternity. So, Lord Jesus, I put my hope in You. My hop is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean upon Your name…
The Day of Resurrection with Rev. Ed Soto Homily Title: "The Witness of the Resurrection" Scripture: Acts 10:34-43. Choral Easter Cantata: "Praise the God of Resurrection, An Easter Cantata". Featuring the music of Mark Hayes, Lloyd Larson, Joseph M. Martin and Ruth Elaine Schram In the Beginning was the Word; God’s Holy Lamb; You are the Bread; King of Tears; Three Crosses of Shame; Praise the God of Resurrection
Rev. Ed Soto Sermon Title: "Christ's Commandment" Scripture: John 13:1-17, 31-35 Choral anthem: “Our Lord endured the Cross” Words by Bert Sratton and Stewart Harris, Music by Lloyd Larson Our Lord endured the cross, for us He suffered loss. He bore the shame and sorrow in our place. Against a lonely sky. His cross was lifted high so all the world could know the gift of grace, so all the world could know the gift of grace. Our Lord endured the cross; He chose to die alone. Christ laid aside His starry crown and made the cross His throne. He felt the awful pain; He paid the awesome cost. To heal our hearts, He took the blame and endured the cross. The Lord was mocked with scorn, He wore a crown of thorns. Upon the cross in agony He cried. Upon that lonely hill He did His Father’s will. And still today His arms are open wide; and still today His arms are open wide…Amazing love! How can it be that Thou my God, should die for me?...
Service of the Lord's Day with Rev. Ed Soto Sermon Title: "The Way of the Cross: Reconciliation" Scripture: Psalm 32:6-11; Luke 7:36-47. Choral anthem: “God’s Holy Lamb” Words by John Parker, Music by Mark Hayes Sing praises to God’s Holy Lamb, riding into town. Lift your adoration song! Join the glorious sound! Children in procession shout, “Hosanna to the King!” Sing praises to God’s Holy Lamb, let earth and heaven ring! See the heavens open up to hear the purest praise. See the palms wave cheerfully as garments pave the way, Never have these streets rejoiced as now to see the King. Every heart and every voice joining now to sing… Alleluia! Blessed is the Lamb. Alleluia! He is the great I AM!..
August 2024